Donald Trump Given Access to RNC Voter Files for Over 200 Million Americans

Donald Trump Given Access to RNC Voter Files for Over 200 Million Americans 
Donald Trump, a man who has very clearly shown that authority is not becoming of him, was just given one doozy of a responsibility.
The Republican presidential frontrunner has been granted access to the Republican National Committee’s enormous voter file—a database that contains information about millions of American voters that could prove vital to his campaign strategy. From Politico, which confirmed the agreement:
For the Trump campaign, it means access to a database containing a trove of information on more than 200 million Americans, which can be used to power a get-out-the-vote effort. And for the RNC, it means that any information Trump collects from his supporters, many of whom are not traditional Republicans, will be fed back into the database for future use by the party and its candidates.
The agreement, similar to others signed by past Republican presidential nominees, may require that the candidate who signs eventually support the Republican nominee—no matter who they may be.

Trump, however, has hinted many a time that he may run on an independent ticket if not nominated by the GOP.

It’s not yet clear if the voter file access will help or hinder Trump’s campaign—unfortunately, the outcome may only be gleaned by close, unending observations of the ongoing trainwreck that is the Republican presidential campaign.
[Image via Getty]
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